January 9th is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Law enforcement officers have one of the most difficult and often thankless jobs in existence. Their vocation has never been more challenging than it is today, and 2020 was as tricky as any year has ever been for these brave men and women who protect and serve all of us.

January 9th is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. All of us here at Patriots Cave want to thank and salute every officer who faithfully serves their community with honor. We also want to reflect on our officers' unique challenges and some exceptional examples of going above and beyond.


The approved narrative on the left and in the media is that the police are busy slaughtering innocent people at will, most notably, people of color. The headlines and stories render verdicts without investigating and demonize police at every opportunity.

While it is undeniable that certain bad actors find their way into policing, the rank speculation and misinformation about these events and police, in general, serve no useful purpose.

There are far more positive, and successful encounters between police and their communities than the narrative will allow. In their desperate efforts to get the most clicks, allegedly valid news sources forgo verification of facts and neutrality in favor of sensationalism, regardless of the truth.

Stories about the selfless actions and human kindness that our police exhibit daily can be very difficult to find. Too often, compassion and the truth are not considered to be newsworthy.

So, we did a little digging around the Internet and came up with some great examples of America's finest at their best in 2020.


Connecting in Kingman

Officer Brian Zach of Kingman, Arizona bonded with four-year-old Kaila while investigating child abuse; "There's always kids that I would bond with, and I'd love to take them out of bad situations and just bring them home,"

Officer Zach came to the rescue when Child Services was unable to place young Kaila with family. The Zach family opened their hearts and home to the young girl, and she was legally adopted by them this past summer. You can read the whole story here.


The Marrying Kind

The Wuhan Virus (commonly referred to by its politically correct name, Covid 19) disrupted nearly all normal activity in 2020, including weddings. Late this past July, a Toledo couple went to the courthouse to be married, but no minister was available.

Looking for help, they turned to the police and asked where they might find an available minister. They did not have to look far. Captain Braun of the Toledo Police Department stepped into his role of ordained minister and performed their ceremony outside the courthouse. Another Toledo officer stood in as best man, and the couple was married as they had planned.


Black and Blue Matter

We all watched as BLM protests turned into riots and looting in the summer of 2020. Even fun and sunny Miami saw its share of unrest. During one such demonstration, Miami Police Officer Raymon Washington was struck in the head by 17-year-old Michael Marshall with a skateboard causing a severe concussion.

Marshall, a standout high school football player, later met with Officer Washington to apologize. Their conversation and friendship grew and continues today. This is a truly inspiring story that exemplifies the very best of policing in America.


A Little Slice of Life

Officer Michael Rivers of the Goldsboro, North Carolina Police Department was struck by the message on a homeless woman's T-shirt; Homeless, the Fastest Way of Becoming a Nobody. Officer Rivers went to a nearby shop, purchased a pizza, and shared his lunch with the woman. The two also shared stories, enjoying their pizza together for nearly an hour.

"I come to work, and my method is, 'Who can I bless today? Who can I make smile? I'm not the one that wants to take somebody's father or mother away and put them in jail." Officer Michael Rivers.

These are just four of the thousands upon thousands of friendly and helpful community interactions made by police every day in America. For instance, police have rescued many children's birthdays all across America during the lockdowns, like this one in Wisconsin.


Those readers not in law enforcement, show your support with some Patriots Cave, Back the Blue merchandise like yard signs, barware, and much more. Take advantage of every opportunity to express your appreciation and respect for the officers in your community. You just might make their day.


To all of you who proudly serve our communities and our country in every area of law enforcement, we salute you. Some want to defund and even eliminate the police. Still, there are far more patriotic Americans who appreciate and value the critical contributions that each and every one of you make every day.

Patriots Cave, and all of our loyal followers, are Proud to Back the Blue. We are forever in your debt and thankful for your commitment and service.


Reviews (4 comments)

  • Kim On

    Respect and support for our police force!

  • Jacqueline Radford On

    I am so worried that the police will be made to turn on the American People….
    please why is it the pedophiles are running our Great Nation & everyone is scared to stand up against these evil people & they’re being bought out… ARE all the police next will they be bought out by the these same power hungry billionaires? Will We The American People be able to trust the ones who are to protect us?

  • John turner On

    Thank you to all those in blue! The majority of Americans ackowledge your risk, compassion, and brave behavior. Keep it up. We owe you!

  • Marta Acosta On

    I am pure republican. Trump supporter I was born in Cuba a communist country. Came to America without parents 54 years ago.
    Just tried to get in Facebook and they put me out for the next three days. I thought I had freedom of speech in our country? 🇺🇸

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